Tuesday, January 19, 2010

8 months old!!

Just to start off, let me take you back a few days. Before moving, I took these pictures of the girls playing with each other. They do this often and I haven't captured it on film until now. It is so funny to watch them reach for each other, laugh and hug! Yet, another reason why I LOOOVE having twins!!

Can you believe that the girls are 8 months old today! In just another 4 months, they will be one year old. I cannot believe it! They are continuing to get more and more fun each day and I feel so lucky to be with them everyday to watch them grow, change and discover new things! One "new thing" this month, is that they can't sit still....
Here is what happens when monthly pictures go wrong!
Can we eat this sign?
Macy wants to show you that she is eight months old today!
But, with a little effort, I was able to capture a few decent shots of my eight month olds!

The girls are loving their new house so far and the space to spread out! Both girls have taken a few crawls forward, but are not truly crawling quite yet. They both can get themselves into a sitting position on their own and they continue to "talk" my ear off all day!
Here's a quick picture of their new room. It's a bit bare right now and we need to get pictures hung and curtains up, but they seem to like it!
Here's a picture of the great room from the upstairs walkway. Please excuse the fact that we have none of our living room furniture yet, but for now, the girls are loving playing in all of the open space. They think it's hilarious when we lean over the balcony and talk to them!

Happy eight months girls and happy new house to Mommy and Daddy!!

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